Genital Warts And The Importance Of Yearly Pap Smears


The human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for several kinds of warts, some that can appear on the genitals. Many women, especially those that are sexually active and have more than one partner, can become infected with forms of this virus that have been linked to cervical cancer. Learn more about how having genital warts is a good reason you need to have yearly pap smears.

Pap Smears Are The Best Way To Early Detection

Putting off your yearly pap smear is never a good idea. Because of how fast some cancers can develop and grow, early detection is the best way to catch them before they become harder to treat. This is especially true about the types of HPV that have been linked directly to cervical cancer. Genital warts can grow without producing noticeable symptoms, so pap smears are an essential aspect of learning if you have them. Most of the time, physical symptoms like fatigue, appetite loss and vaginal bleeding during intercourse do not show up until cervical cancer has become near to its last stages. In the event your pap smear shows atypical cell growth in your cervix, your physician may decide to check for HPV as the cause. In most cases of cervical cancer, certain atypical cells are the first sign of its presence. However, bear in mind that not all atypical cells mean you have cancer, just the environment best for its development.

HPV Types 16 And 18 Are Primary Causes of Cervical Cancer

If your doctor finds atypical cells in your pap smear, he or she will order a test that identifies the DNA of the types of HPV that have been linked to cervical cancer. Up to 70% of reported cervical cancer cases are directly linked to HPV types 16 and 18 . Your physician may tell you to come in for monitoring pap smears and a test called colposcopy. During a colposcopy, a magnified light is used so your physician can have a closer look at any changes taking place in the cervical tissue.

Your Treatment Options For Genital Warts

In most cases, your doctor will monitor your cervical tissue through pap smears. If he or she decides the tissue is undergoing changes typical for cervical cancer, especially when genital warts are present, you may have surgery to remove them and any cervical tissue that is growing out of control. Genital warts can also be removed with a laser or by freezing them with liquid nitrogen, a technique called cryotherapy. In most cases, genital wart removal is successful and can stop the growth of their associated atypical cell growth.

The importance of visiting your doctor every year for pap smears is great. Cancer is easier to beat when you catch it early, the same being true about other serious conditions as well. To find out more, speak with someone like Foot First Podiatry Centers.


12 November 2015

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