3 Tips To Help You Stick To A Very Low Calorie Diet


As part of a medically supervised diet, you may participate in a low or very low calorie diet (LCD or VLCD) to help you shed pounds rapidly. Sticking to such a low calorie diet can be difficult, but there are tactics you can use to help you stay on track.

Use A Multivitamin

Although a medically supervised diet is considered nutritionally balanced, everyone has different needs. You want to ensure you are receiving adequate nutrients by including a multivitamin. There are several advantages to adding a multivitamin. You may be able to avoid the initial feeling of being weak or sluggish when you start your diet. This can occur as your body adapts to lower amounts of calories, protein and carbohydrates than you are accustomed to eating.

If you are a woman, you may want to pay more attention to your nutrient intake, especially if you have heavy periods. Even small decreases in nutrients, such as folic acid or iron can contribute to cravings. Experiencing intense cravings, especially for food you may not eat often or enjoy very much, can be attributed to lack of certain nutrients.

Rely On Vegetables

Most medically supervised diets place a higher emphasis on protein, while keeping carbs low. Since there is little room to feel full without adding extra calories, vegetables are often your best option. As long as you are not relying on starchy vegetables, you can easily increase the density of your meals and fill up on fiber, without adding significant calories. You should also consider the way you cook your vegetables. Try to keep your vegetables raw or lightly steamed so they are more satisfying and take longer to digest.

Consider Appetite Suppressants

The medically supervised diet you choose may have different supplements for you to choose, which can help you keep your appetite from sabotaging your goals. If not, there are several appetite suppressants you can buy at retail stores to help. Garcinia cambogia is a popular appetite suppressant and can help regulate blood sugar. 

You want to be cautious about the appetite suppressants you choose, because some naturally contain caffeine or are combined with caffeine. Since caffeine is a stimulant and is used to increase your metabolism to promote energy and weight loss, caffeine can make it more difficult to stick to an extremely low calorie plan. You can also include fiber supplements with a glass of water before meals as a way of reducing your appetite and making your meals feel more satisfying.

Choosing a medically supervised LCD or VLCD can be a way to shed pounds quickly and safely. However, you will need to find ways to make the sudden drop in your calorie consumption more manageable. Focusing on filling, low calorie foods and managing your appetite and cravings will give you the best chance at sticking to your diet. To find out more, speak with a business like Figure Weight Loss.


16 December 2015

Outstanding In-Home Care

When my mother fell at home and broke her hip, we all thought that we were going to have no choice to put her in a nursing home when she got out of the hospital. My mother had always asked us kids to avoid putting her in any kind of home, but we didn’t know what else we could do. None of us were capable of giving her the kind of rehabilitation and care that she needed. Then her doctor suggested that we find out if her insurance covered in-home care. I didn’t even know that that was an option. I was pleased to discover that in-home care was covered by her plan. Now she gets great care from nurses and nurse assistants that come right to her in her home, where she wants to be. It’s a great option, and I’m so glad we have it.