Four Steps You Can Take To Prevent Colon Cancer

Health & Medical Blog

According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 137,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with colon cancer this year and over 50,000 people will die from it. These are scary statistics, but what some may not realize is that colorectal cancers are some of the most preventable types of cancer. Here are four steps you can take to decrease your chances of getting diagnosed with colon cancer.  Step One: Maintain a Healthy Weight

4 August 2016

Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

Health & Medical Blog

If you would like to whiten your teeth, you have multiple options. Here are a few of them: Natural Whitening If you would rather use natural substances to whiten your teeth, you can often get visible results from items that may be in your pantry. For instance, baking soda, which is typically available in many kitchen cupboards, can be applied to the teeth as a whitening paste. The abrasive nature of the powder can help polish away stains, and the alkalinity of the baking soda can help neutralize acid that may cause darkening decay.

25 July 2016

A Short Guide To X-STOP Implants

Health & Medical Blog

If you have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis, you know how incredibly painful it can be. The vertebral bones that surround your spine and nerves may create a channel so narrow that you are in constant discomfort. Something called an X-STOP implant might be able to provide you with relief. Here is a short guide to the procedure so that you can get some idea of whether or not it is something you want to explore.

8 July 2016

Tips For Recovery From A Facelift

Health & Medical Blog

If you are getting ready to have a facelift done, you will want to make sure that you are well aware of the things you can do to help yourself during the recovery period. Take a look at the following suggestions so you can be better prepared. Be Careful When Eating It is important to make sure that you are carefully selecting the foods that you are going to eat during the facelift recovery process.

30 June 2016

Caring For Your New Disposable Contact Lenses

Health & Medical Blog

If you have just taken a trip to an eye doctor and found you are in need of corrective lenses, and you opt to get contacts so you do not need to wear glasses all the time, you will soon be enjoying crisp vision without the hassle of wearing frames. When someone starts wearing disposable contact lenses, they may find it takes a bit of time to become adjusted to the process in cleaning them and handling them properly so they do not become damaged.

27 June 2016

3 Things You Need To Know About Laser Treatment For Keloids

Health & Medical Blog

Keloids are growths made of excessive scar tissue. These oversized scars can form as a result of injuries like ear piercings. While keloids aren't dangerous, they can be lumpy and darker than the rest of your skin, so they can cause cosmetic concerns. If you're sick of your keloids, your dermatologist may be able to remove them with laser treatment. Here are three things you need to know about laser treatment for keloids.

9 June 2016

Top 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Cataract Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

According to the Kellogg Eye Center, approximately 90 percent of people experience a cataract by the age of 65. Fortunately, there is a surgery that can remove the cataract from the lens of your eye. Below is a list of five frequently asked questions regarding the surgery if you or someone you know develops a cataract.  How is a Cataract Removed? The main type of cataract surgery is referred to as phacoemulsification.

25 May 2016

Depressed? 3 Medical Reasons Why You Can't Snap Out Of It

Health & Medical Blog

If you suffer from chronic depression, you've probably had at least one person tell you to snap out of it. You may have also been hurt when friends and family members belittled you for your illness, telling you it's all in your mind. Unfortunately, a great deal of ignorance and stigma still surround depression and mental illness. However, the medical community is learning more about depression each day and the physiological factors that cause it.

10 May 2016

3 Facts You Should Know About Accessing Affordable Orthodontics As An Adult

Health & Medical Blog

If you have always been self-conscious about your overbite or underbite and have never been able to do anything about it, it is important to note that there are many adults today who have recently chosen to access the appropriate orthodontic work. However, as an adult, there are several pertinent factors that you should be aware that could impact your ability to access the necessary dental care. Therefore, it is a good idea to consider the following information as you plan for your improved smile.

26 April 2016

2 New Treatments For Osteoarthritis

Health & Medical Blog

Osteoarthritis is a chronic joint condition that affects the knees, hips, back and neck, fingers, and toes. It causes stiffness, swelling, pain, and a cracking sound when the joint bends. Osteoarthritis affects 27 million Americans, making it the most common chronic joint condition. Despite the prevalence of the condition, a diagnosis of osteoarthritis, or OA, is typically frustrating for patients, because until recently, most of the treatments for the condition, including steroid injections, NSAIDS like ibuprofen, and supplements, have mostly focused on relieving the worst of the pain.

8 April 2016